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Eremir the Great

Eremir Cisval, better known as Ememir the Great was a soulmage born in the city of Laenos, from rumalian parents who had left their homeland to work as mercenaries for the Empire. After the death of his parents during the siege of Kinrivel, Eremir, who was now 15, traveled to Arros to enlist in a guild. Upon seeing his abilities, they hastedly accepted him. It is then that he rose to fate, around the year 10 BC. At the young age of 20, he lead humanity to a crushing victory against the blighted monster hordes that had been rampaging across Arros for the better part of a decade.  


He accomplished this thanks to his incredible and unique magical abilities. In fact, Eremir was one of the very few cases of an Cheraf Mage. He was born as eagle shapeshifter but developed pyromantic abilities akin to a firemage around the age of 17, while in combat with his guild. Naturaly, people around him bega calling him Firebird, which was both an accurate description of his ablities, as well as a nod to his ethnic background as Firebirds are a very popular mytholigical creature in Rumalia, though to be a bringer of hope.   Eremir lead multiple battles, either from the ground or from the air and grew to become one of the best army commander to ever exist. He won many battles, but alos lost some but the support of his mage allies never wavered. Eventualy, eremir managed to kill the last Gormaron, but had to sacrifice himself in the process, and this ended the treat posed by the remaining hordes in Arros, who slowly started to die off. By the end of year 2 AC, the only significant population of Blighted on the continent were on the Carathen peninsula, behind a wall built to contain them. The rest of the continent was near completly free of Blighted.   Most mages that had fought with Eremir went on to Enask and helped the must smaller mage population there in the irradication of the blighted hordes and by 10 AC, Enask was liberated as well. Osian took a bit longer, but eventualy, the Osiani population adopted a similar strategy as the Arrosian as pushed the hordes behind strong walls on the Tiber plateau, which is though to be the origin point of the blight.  

Death and commemoration

The exact day when Eremir passed away isnt known exactly, as his body was found on the morning of the 17th of june, 1AC. It was found in the middle of a charred patch of woods in the eastern forests of Alavros, near the Heorian border. Some believe he died the evening of the 16th, but most have adopted the 17th of june as a day of commomoration across Arros, and is mostly celebrated in Rumalia, kavasia and Eastern Arros.   His body was brought back to the city of Hersa, which had been were he had stayed for the last year. A letter was found in his room, detailling the reasons why he went alone to confront this gormaron as well as his last wishes for the mage population of Hysal and humanity is general. He also had a request to be buried in the city, which was surprising as he had talked about returning to Rumalia after the war.   Nonetheless, his wish was granted and he was buried near the Choranian temple of the city. An small obelisk, about 3 meters tall, was used for his tombstone. On its front face, a small message describes Eremir, written in both Essanian and Rumalian reads:  
Here lies a great hero, named Eremir Cisval.   A valiant warrior of Humanity and the provider of hope for all mages.   May the memory of his sacrifice remain unforgotten and may his soul be in eternal peace.


Author's Notes

*i'll rewrite this article into a character article once Spooktober ends.

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