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Fortress of Rhas

On a rocky, isolated island, constantly baterred by rain and wind from the stroms crashing into the continent, is located one of the most formidable fortress in the world. A nigh impregrable building, which is also home to one of the world's most infamous organisation: The Shield of Saol.

Purpose / Function

The fortress is located on the southern point of the island of Rhasul. It has long served as a watchfull eye upon the waters of the sea of Nabar, a busy water way that separates the island of Lassin from mainland Enaskia.


The smaller and further inland fort was the first to be built. It was done so by the Kingdom of Essania, but it was then expanded with two large towers a century later as the kingdom grew into a empire. A massive storms knocked down the highest tower and greatly damaged the second highest tower. Only the later was rebuilt. The fortress's basement was drasticaly expanded, adding multiple levels, adding multiple levels that go down past the sea. When the western Essanian Empire fell, it layed abandoned for a few decades, until The Shield of Saol took it over themselves.



From the outside, the fortress doesn't look impressive at all. Its exterior consists of two main buildings. Nearest to the sea is a large round tower, connected at its base to various smaller buildings. The other building is further inland and much smaller. A thin, semi-circular wall was built deeper inland to protect both buildings. A small gatehouse allows access to the forts through a set of large, heavy doors, which can only be opened with Stonemages inside the gatehouse. A landing spot for Winged ships a few hundred metres outside the walls allows access to the fortress by winged ships from the continent when the weather permits it.


The vast majority of the fortress's livable space is located underground. The smaller fort is not connected to the underground levels, but the large tower and its adjacent buildings are. It is unknown how many subterranean levels the fortress contains, but they assumed to be numerous. Many levels contain holes carved into the cliffside, where crossbow men, archers and mages can throw projectiles at incoming ships.



Its main defense is its remote location. The fortress's only entrance is on land, facing away from the sea. It cannot be accessed from the sea ward side, although there are some rumours of a cave entrance near the shoreline about half a km away from the fort, that supposedly is connected to the fortress's lower levels. Yet, this remains uncomfirmed since the fortress was never conquered.


The fort is equiped with a range of weaponery. They have numerous Harpoons, which are large mechanical machines that can launch projectiles designed to capture and bring down Winged ships.


The fort was first built as an outpost by the kingdom of Essania, in the year 832Bc. Its stategic location served to protect the waters around the sea of Nabar in western Enaskia. In 39 bc, the fortress was abandoned by the now Western Essanian Empire as the soldiers making up its garrison were needed on the continent to contain the spread of The Blight. In the year 22Ac, the abandoned fort was seized by the remnants of the Sokralist cult, who then renamed themselves to The Shield of Saol and rebranded themselves as an anti-mage mercenary compagny. Since then, Rhas fortress remains their main headquarters.
Founding Date
832 Bc
Alternative Names
Rhas Fort
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Ephraïm Boateng (Me)


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