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Frostite Box

A rare but sought after piece of techology, the Frostite box is a relatively large container, made of wood and metal and a unique material called Frostite, which is able to keep objects put inside itself cool or even at a temperature bellow freezing.


The box is essentially made of three boxes, each with decreasing volumes, that are inserted into one another. The largest box is made of wood, while two smaller metal boxes are inserted inside the wooden box. Usualy, the wooden box is built around the largest metal box, while the smallest metal box is inserted inside. In the space between both metal boxes, a mix of cotton and small Frostite fragment are jammed tightly. The cotton acts as an isolator, while the frostite drasticaly drops the temperature inside the box. A cover composed of the same layers of materials is attached to the box with hinges.

Social Impact

Frostite boxes are mostly used by more well off people who can afford their high prices. They are very popular in warm and hot climate, where temperatures do not get cold enough to preserve food that need it. It allows them to enjoy cold fruits, like ice cream, while also preserving perishable food, like meat or milk.
Access & Availability
Frostite boxes are rather expensive to make, mainly because of the amount of Frostite used in their fabrication, since it is a very rare material that comes from isolated regions and is difficult to extract. Because of this, they are rather rare, and only people living in regions where it can be found naturaly have acess to it, or richer folks living elsewere who can buy them at a very high price.
Frostite boxes allow people to store various items, mostly food, for long periods of time, and prevent them from spoiling and rotting away, by keeping them cold and even frozen.


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