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Mana Vault

Mana vaults are small cube-like magical objects that gives an Elemental Mage the ability to store a small amount of their own mana energy into it, which can then be extracted at any time for use in case of emergency.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Using the principles of Magicalurgy, this particular blend of metals is able to combine the mana storage capabilities of Tin, with the absorbtion abilities of Lead. This allows the mana energy from the mage to freely flow into the cube and remain there until it is extracted by the same mage. A mage cannot extract the mana from a mana vault if it isn't his own.

Manufacturing process

Empty Lycen crystals are crushed into a fine powder and added into a tin and lead alloy mix, along with silver metal. The liquid metal is then molded into a cube with rounded edges and an shallow dip on its top side. The storage ability of the object as a whole is made stronger by the lycen crystal powder inside while adding silver to the ally mix makes the resulting object more resiliant.


Mana Vaults are quite an old technology, as they were invented in the kingdom of Darnia all the way back during the First Age. However, the technology was a closely guarded secret and so it was subsequently lost during the events of The Long Winter until the ruins of old library of Hurys was rediscovered in the early Second Age, and a clay tablet describing the object was found amongst the rubble.   This time, Mana vaults quickly became widely used by mages around the world and a lot of countries started developping their own versions, seeking greater mana storage capacity out of the device. Unfortunatly, the same technology would later be used by the Sokralist to create the dreaded Soulstones, which they used to rid mages of their magic abilities.   Today, mana vaults are as popular as ever, and unlike Talismans, which are largely reserved for the richer folks, they are accessible to pretty much everyone, as they made with cheaper materials and require less skills to make.
Alternative Names
  • Mana Box
  • Mana Hold
  • Mana Cube
Item type
Creation Date
Sometime during the First Age
Mana vaults are very common. Most mages possess at least one, and many have more, which would then be inserted in a special bracelet or necklace for ease of access. Mage soldiers, mercenary or otherwise, usualy have multiple on them, which they use consecutively in battle.
2cm by 2cm cube


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