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Maple Sugar

Maple sugar is the main sweetener that is available to residents of the Northern and Eastern regions of the Continent of Arros. It largely replaces cane sugar and honey as a natural sweetner in those regions.

Manufacturing process

Collecting Maple tree sap

Maple sugar is made from maple tree sap, which begins to flow by the end of winter and throughout early spring. Metal tubes are hamered into the tree trunks, from which the sap flows into a wooden or metal bucket that is suspended under the tube. Over the following days and weeks, it collects the tree sap, which is them taken and put into a larger container, usualy a barrel, and taken away to a sugar cabin. The bucket is reinstalled for further sap collection.

Boilling the sap

Once in a sugar cabin, the sap is transfered into a large, high-sided, vat, pot or cauldron. A fire is lit under it and the sap is then boiled in a pot or cauldron until nearly all of the natural water in the sap has evaporated. This stage is crucial to get right as if let for too long, the sap will burn, while if it is removed too early, the sap will not crystalised, but instead remain as maple sirup, which is often done on purpose by some producers who want to sell syrup instead of sugar.

Crystalising the sap

Once the sap reaches the perfect temperature and texture, it is removed from the fire and left to cool for about ten minutes. During that time, the reduced maple sap must be constantly stirred so as to avoid it forming a hard crust and lose its granular texture. During that time, the sugar crystals will form and replace any remaining sap. It is notably hard to perfect the texture of the sugar, and requires highly skilled sugar-makers to ensure the best quality.


After the sap is all converted into sugar crystals and has granulated, it must be crushed using a press, which will break appart the larger crystal and help them become more uniform. The sugar can then be packaged into bags for short-term storage or in pots made as airtight as possible with a wooden cover or clean cloth, tied around the edges for long term consumption. It must be kept away from any kind of moisture, else the crystals will clump together and harden.

Hardening and re-crushing

If the sugar is exposed to air or moisture, it can become hard and compact. However, if that happens, the sugar isn't lost, but the mass will need to be broken up into smaller chunks which will then be cruched under a stone grinder, turning the sugar granular againg. Although the texure of the maple sugar will change, the taste will not, and it can be consumed as if it is fresh sugar.


Maple products have been made for many centuries in eastern Arros, especialy in Heoria, where it is believed that the production of Maple sugar first originated. Many Shapeshifter Clans in Heoria and around the region have a economy based of maple sugar production, which they trade with other human settlements.


Maple products are quite important for the cultures of the region, as it is a staple food product used in a wide variety of food recipes and even potions and medicine.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Common in Eastern Arros, but rare in the rest of the continent. In Enask and Osian, it is much rarer, while its existance is not even widely known in Samaria and Mahador.


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