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Sonaral Sea

The sonoral sea is a high altitude sea in central Enask. It is a fresh water sea, and can be considered to be just a large lake.


The sea is elongated on the north-south axis. In the east, the sea ends at the foothills of the massive Karakom Mountains, while in the north it is contained by the Kheros mountains. In the west, a much smaller chain of hills and plateaus, the Black mountains form the western and southern end of the sea. in the north, the black mountains are split into two by the Kiors Canyon, snaking its way south with the Nyos river. The Nyos river is the only outlet of water from the sea.

Ecosystem Cycles

The sea is at its highest levels in late apriland at its lowest in february. The short time between the lowest and highest period leads to some big swelling of the Nyos river down stream. in spring, a huge amount of water from snow caps of the Karakom and Kheros mountains flow into the sea.

Natural Resources

lots of fishing can be done on the sea and gold has been found in the mountain streams on the north side of the sea.
Inland Sea


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