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The Pirates of the Hydrask Isles

On the warm waters around the infamous Hydrask Isles, a fleet a large ships with black sails prowls along, in search of easy prey; Merchant ships making the arduous journey between the Kingdom of Asderaan and southern Arros.


Major language groups and dialects

Most of the pirates speak a hybrid language derived from Old Carathegian, which is a variant of the Hazian language that is no longer spoken, as well as Asderaani language, spoken in the Kingdom of Asderaan. This language is unintelligible to Arrosian and quite hard to understand for Asderaani speakers.

Common Dress code

They like to dress in very fancy clothes, especialy while boarding ships. They wear vests made of hydrask skin and flamboyant feathered hats. They also wear dark makeup around their eyes, either of purple, black or grey colour.

Art & Architecture

The hydrask pirates live either in revampted ruined colony city along the Basilisk isle. left behind by the Carathengian Empire when it collapsed 3 centuries ago, or in their ships. which are large gallies of both Asderaani and Carathengian craftmenship.

Common Myths and Legends

The Green Gallows is a popular myth told amongst the pirates of the Hydrask isles. The story recounts the evacuation of the know ruined city of Teryna. In the story, many of the ships leaving the harbour, which were full of refugies, were sunk by a large serpent-like monsters, who pulled the ships bellow the waves, drowning the people on board. Only one ship made it to Port-of-Kings and its passengers where the ones who first told the story. Since then, the ruined city and its surrounding area are avoided by all pirate ships.

Major organizations

Port-of-kings is a large port city located on the island of Gorgos, the largest island in the Hydrask Isles. It was built from scratch by who would become the pirates about 200 years ago after they had fled the Carathengian colonies along the basilik coast further north. Despite being burned down on two separate occasions by both the Carathengian seccessor states, and the Asderaani kingdom, the city was rebuilt everytime.
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