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The Wanderer

The Wanderer is a rather mysterious character of nebulous origins that spent his long mage life travelling the world with his trusty diary in which he wrote about what and who he saw. The diary's content were eventualy made into a book called "A walk through Hysal" by several scholars of the University of Vrahlis.


The Wanderer Appears

The wanderer's story begans when late on a january night of the year 78 BC, the wanderer suddently appeared in the library of the University of Vrahlis. A woman witnessed the apparition and they briefly talked. Acording to her testimony, recorded the following morning, the wanderer walked up to her, gave her a book and told her it contained his life's mission and that he had completed his duty. Before the woman could respond, he dissapeared, never to be seen again.

What we know of them

Based on the encounter, we do know a few things about the person. The first things is that he was a man, and quite old and soft spoken. The second thing is that he was a Soulstridder since he teleported in and out of the library(there were sign of intrusion discovered the next morning.) The third thing is that he was most likely of Arrosian origins, and possibly from Vrahlis itself since he spoke Hazian the common tongue in southern Arros, but with a Vrahlian Accent.

How he lived

According to the wanderer's writings and the fact that he was a type of Soulbound Mages, it can be deduced that he would be 140-160 years old. He writes that he started traveling the world around the 40s, and that he had traveled the world for a whole century. However, since precise dates aren't given for most of his travels, it isn't really known how old he was when he gave his diary to the woman, nor when he died, as he wasn't seen again after that night.


The wanderer's impact on the scholar and historian communities of Arros and Enask was immense. It allowed them greater knowledge of the furthest regions of the world and reignited their will to aquire more knowledge of these places. His diary was transcribed into a proper book, called "A walk through Hysal" and contains all of the contents of the Diary, divided into 4 categories: Places and their people, Creatures and Monsters, Nature's wonders and Man's wonders.
Estimated between 140 to 160 years old.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Pale blue
Short, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Wrinkly, white skin
Around 190cm

Origins of their name

Much like most aspects of this person, the wanderer's real name is unknown. His current name comes from the diary itself, where he occasionaly refers to himself as a wanderer, so eventualy people began calling him that.


The Wanderer visited nearly every relevent location that were well known to the scholars of Arros and Enask. However, he also describes travels to various regions that weren't well known or not known at all to scholars. Subsequent expeditions conformed most of those location's existance and characteristic.


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Aug 14, 2024 02:27 by Paul

Got to appreciate someone who can hand over their life's work to no audience or applause but to one person alone in the night.

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Aug 14, 2024 06:02 by Ephraïm Boateng

Agreed! Thanks for the comment!