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Vrahlian Steel

Vrahlian steel is a very famous type of steel that is only produced by one guild in the entire world, based in the Arrosian City of Vrahlis. It is famous world wide for its exceptional durability but also especialy for its resistance against magic attacks from Elemental Mages.


While vrahlian steel is also famous for being the strongest known steel alloy, its most known characteristic is its ability to dispel and destroy mana-based attacks, in all its elemental forms. While regular steel may well be able to block them, Vhralian steel breaks and dispels them. If an solid element, like stone or ice is faced with Vrahlian steel, the materials will revert into mana and disperce in the surounding environment. Other types of attacks, like fire or water will dissapear upon contact with the metal, which leaves it, and the person holding it, unscathed.


No one knows how to make this type of steel, except one organisation: The Blacksmith guild of Vrahlis. This organisation, which is more than a millenia old, has its guildhall located in the appropretly named steel town district of the city. Their total numbers of unknown, since they are very secretive. So secretive in fact that they are known to hire assassins to kill suspected spies.

Social Impact

Vrahlian steel was invented in the 9th century Bc, and was first given to the city garrisson of Vrahlis, then to other Hazians city states. But, because it was only produced by one guild, it took a long time for armies to mass adopt it. However, by the third age, most armies had access to used vrahlian steel equipement for at least a few thousands soldiers. This has made war much more for Elemental Mages, who can no longer rely on their firepower to stay safe, as vrahlian steel cuts through it.
Access & Availability
Vrahlian steel weapons are extremly rare and expensive. Unlike other blacksmiths guilds around the world, their swords aren't their most popular item. In fact, it is their shields that is most popular, followed by various pieces of armour.
Distinctive Characteristics
Vrahlian steel swords, sheilds and armour are nearly completly black, yet retain a silvery tinge in the light. It is extremly resistant, resiliant and durable. It remains sharp for much longer than regular steel and doesn't corode nearly as fast. It is better than regular steel in every way.   Vrahlian Steel Copy-Cat
A leek of information during the chaos of The Fall lead to the creation of Rhasi Steel, a steel alloy which has similar but ultimatly inferior propreties to Vrahlian Steel. It is largely considered a cheap replacement of Vrahlian steel.


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