Articles of Confederation Document in Chronicles of Solia | World Anvil
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Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation are an agreement among the seven kingdoms of Fieren that served as a peace and trade treaty. It was approved, after several months of debate, on 22 Falleran 1550, and came into force on 01 Summerdown that same year. The core guiding principle of the Articles is the preservation of independence and sovereignty of the signatory nations.   The document provided clearly written rules for how the nations' diplomacy and trade would be organized, established the Confederate Council, established the Royal Army of Fieren, provided instruction for how that organization would be deployed within signatory nations, established protocols for addressing territorial issues and dealing with indigenous or transient monstrous groups, and established the position of Confederate Diplomat for dealing directly with the Kingdom of Falcrest's regent.


The Articles of Confederation were drafted in response to ongoing trade and territorial issues between the Kingdom of Baden and the Kingdom of Aiecore.

Document Structure


The Articles of Confederation contain a preamble, thirteen articles, a conclusion, and a signatory section. The individual articles set the rules for current and future operations of the confederation's signatory nations. Under the Articles, the nations retained sovereignty over all governmental functions not specifically relinquished to the Confederate Council, which was empowered to make war and peace, negotiate diplomatic and commercial agreements within the signatory nations, and with the Kingdom of Falcrest, and to resolve disputes between the signatory nations. The document stipulates that its provisions shall be inviolable observed by the signatory Kingdoms.  

Article Summary

  1. Establishes the name of the Confederation.
  2. Asserts the sovereignty of each Kingdom, excepting the specific powers delegated to the Confederate Council.
  3. Declares the purpose of the Confederation.
  4. Elaborates on the intent to secure and perpetuate the mutual discourse among the people of Fieren and to establish equal treatment and freedom of movement for the inhabitants of each nation to pass unhindered between the nations. This article exempts "paupers, vagabond, and fugitives from justice." and grants equal rights established by the nation into which they travel. It establishes the rule of extradition, that if a crime is committed in one nation and the perpetrator flees to another nation, they will be extradited to and tried in the state in which the crime was committed.
  5. Allocates one vote in the Confederate Council to each nation, which is entitled to a delegation of between two and ten members, to be appointed by each nation in a manner befitting that nation's preference. It establishes a term limit of three years in any six-year period.
  6. Establishes that only the Confederate Council may declare war, and that only the Confederate Council may conduct foreign political or commercial relations with the Kingdom of Falcrest and its representatives. It allows for signatory nations to maintain a peacetime standing army and navy, but precludes waging acts of war without permission of the Confederate Council, excepting invasion or imminent attacks.
  7. Establishes the Confederate Army of Fieren for the common defense of the Confederacy, to be formed from the ranks of the member nations populace. It allows for the assignment of members of each nation's standing army, but precludes service in that nation's army during the period of service to the Confederate Army.
  8. Establishes the taxation of member nations to be used for expenditures in service of the Confederacy.
  9. Grants the powers and functions of the Confederate Council:
    • The sole and exclusive right and power to determine peace and war; to exchange ambassadors with the Kingdom of Falcrest; to enter into treaties and alliances therewith, with some provisos; to establish rules for deciding all cases of captures or prized on land or water; to grant letters of marque and reprisal in times of peace; to appoint courts for the trial of pirates and crimes committed on the high seas; to establish courts for appeals in all cases of captures, but precludes a member of the Confederate Council from being appointed as a judge; and to serve as a final court for disputes between member nations.
    • The Courts shall be composed of jointly-appointed commissioners, bound by oath to impartiality and all decisions made by the courts shall be final.
    • The Confederate Council shall appoint officers in the Confederate Army of Fieren and regulate the operations of the same.
    • The Confederate Council may request requisitions from signatory nations in proportion with their population.
    • The Confederate Council may not declare war, enter into treaties and alliances, appropriate money, or appoint a General of the Confederate Army without a majority assent. The Council shall keep a journal of all proceedings.
  10. Should the Confederate Council be in recess, any of the powers of the Council may be executed by a committee of the nations, or any majority thereof.
  11. If the Kingdom of Ameo accedes to this confederation, it shall be admitted. Precludes the admittance of any other nation or colony of the Kingdom of Falcrest without the consent of five of the signatory kingdoms.
  12. Affirms that the signatory nations shall honor all bills of credit incurred, monies borrowed, and debts established between one another before the existence of the Articles.
  13. Declares that the Articles of Confederacy shall be perpetual and may be altered only with the approval of the Confederate Council and the ratification of all the nations.
Text, Legislative
Ratification Date
22 Falleran 1550


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