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Wyld Oroka

Deep in the lost and untravelled woods of the world can be found the nomadic tribes of the forest dwelling Wyld Oroka. They see the wilderness as a terrible, ever shifting divine force that can neither be appeased nor beaten, and so they have no real set communities, instead living as hunters and gatherers in spread out tribal clusters, wandering the woods. While not evil, they are brutally pragmatic apex predators and survivors. Wyld Oroka society is by necessity deeply unsentimental, with even the most beloved members being seen as resources for survival. They have no concept of veneration for the dead, beyond funerary rites; bodies of the fallen are meat to eat, bone and hide to craft tools from. Curiously, this may be in part due to their immunity to the normal illnesses that cannibalism can inflict, like Kuru though Wyld Oroka are as vulnerable to foodborne illness from improperly prepared or stored meat as anyone else.   Technologically, they tend to be stone age; without agriculture or semi-permanent communities they haven't had much chance to develop mining and metallurgy, or anything else more advanced than working with wood, bone and leather. Not to say that they are easy foes: Wyld Orcs are incredibly strong and tough, and while most Oroka tribes have rudimentary claws the Wyld have claws that are dagger sharp, iron hard, and capable of easy disembowelment of the unwary. These claws are slightly curved and excellent for climbing, and these hulking terrors are infamous for their ability to attack from and vanish back into the trees, leaving.only blood spatters and scraps of torn fabric and gristle in their wake.


Shared customary codes and values

Living in a chaotic, harsh woodland hellscape, Wyld Oroka tend to be xenophobic and distrustful of the soft, civilized folk. While they do not go out of their way to attack outsiders, they don't suffer invasion kindly, and their ever shifting borders and use of odd totems to mark their lands, the signifigance of which is often specific to each individual tribe, means it can unfortunately be very easy to accidentally trespass.

Average technological level

Stone, wood, and leather. No metalworking or permanent agriculture.

Coming of Age Rites

Wyld Oroka claws and tusks tend not to grow in until adolescence, meaning Wyld Oroka babies and children can easily be mistaken for half-oroka until puberty hits around 9 or 10 years of age. In theory Wyld Oroka have the same lifespan as humans, though whether one has ever died peacefully from old age is unknown. What is known is they mature, by necessity, a lot faster than other races.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Wyld have no concept of veneration for the dead beyond simple funerary rites; bodies of the fallen are meat to eat, bone and hide to craft tools from.


Beauty Ideals

Physically they tend to be just smaller than most Oroka, standing between 5 and 6 feet (1.524 - 1.829 meters) of hulking muscle. Their skin ranges from deep green to greys and browns and black. Hair color is grey, white, black or red. They tend to have pronounced underbites with wicked tusks, and overlarge hands for their already large bodies, to allow for the support of their claws, which are anchored to their fingerbones and slightly retract like a large cats.
Encompassed species
Languages spoken


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