The First Druid, Deiter, finds a tribe of Ezirandi and teaches them agriculture.
The Ezirandi begin to explore the land, having grown strong enough to fight the monsters that used to hunt them.
The Brotherhood of Light is founded in Thaimi, Ezir.
The Fourth Expedition encounters the Ezirandi in Venidon. Diplomats are dispatched from the Nation of Nuaira to Karji, Venidon.
The Fourth Expedition encounters the Ezirandi in Venidon. Diplomats are dispatched from the Nation of Nuaira to Karji, Venidon.
Adanion Haphris, his son Jeren Haphris, and a large delegation of Nuairan diplomats arrive in Thalmi, Ezir.
Agathain Montero publishes his life's work Among the Nuiara.
The Ezirandi the Arcanum Institute, aided by Nuairan planners and wizards.
The Nation of Nuaira and Ezirandi commission a joint expeditionary force to explore and map the land south of the Dunmaer Plateau.
Ezir commissions the first fleet of merchant and exploration ships to be built in the shipyards of Raysarat. Thirteen vessels are delivered by the end of Porosan when the first hurricane of the season shuts down production. Secretly, five of the vessels are fitted for military action. The Fleet sets sail in the spring of 1,001 under the command of Fleet Admiral Sahand Pasdar, rounding the southern coast by Janis 15th. Eight of the First fleet transit the coast of Ezir and Venidon.
Siavash Sharjarian, a hard-line nationalist, rises to power in Thaimi, naming himself Caliph of Ezir and declaring the nation a Caliphate. State-enforced monotheism becomes the law.
The Haphrises are betrayed by the Ezirandi, who march on Nuaira with the purpose of destroying the Nation of Nuaira. Read the Haphrises War timeline for details of military actions. Key events show up on multiple timelines.
Caliphate forces slaughter the Haphrises Delegation. The Caliphate of Ezir declares war on the Nation of Nuaira.
The Ezirandi cast the Nuaira aside and begin their journey into magic, settling the breadth of Omath.
The Haphrises are betrayed by the Ezirandi, who march on Nuaira with the purpose of destroying the Nation of Nuaira. Read the Haphrises War timeline for details of military actions. Key events show up on multiple timelines.
Caliphate forces slaughter the Haphrises Delegation. The Caliphate of Ezir declares war on the Nation of Nuaira.
The Nuaira wizard Kethenica sacrifices himself while casting an unknown spell into a conjunction of Ley Lines in Venidon. The resulting blast and energy vacuum siphon the life from the land, cascading through the Ley Lines and destroying Venidon. The Magocracy of Ezir army and the Nation of Nuaira army are both nearly obliterated. Nuaira and Ezirandi wizards erect magical barriers at their nations' borders, stopping the effects from cascading any further. Venidon becomes the Grey Waste.
The Caliphate of Ezir, reeling from Kethenica's Gambit, is overthrown by wizards of the The Arcanum Institute. While maintaining many of the cultural standards of the Caliphate, the country is rebranded as the Magocracy of Ezir, elevating arcane spellcasters to nobility and casting non-spellcasters into roles as secondary citizens.