Champions of Maclir Organization in Chronicles of Talamh | World Anvil
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Champions of Maclir

The Champions of Maclir were a group of treasure hunters from 2A 56 that were notorious for rediscovering the Treasure of Ages and for saving Talamh from a Mind Flayer invasion.


Though there was no true leader of the group, Alexandroth, Brynn, and Ithacus managed to take leadership roles when the time called for it. Elana, when she was around, served as a moral compass that was eventually taken up by Brynn. Bogun and Dovahkiin both served as the main defenders, while Alexandroth served as a frontline fighter in the group as well as main navigator. Elana, and eventually Tursi, would serve as the main support for the group. Brynn was the main scout.

Public Agenda

The Champions of Maclir were focused on finding the Treasure of Ages for themselves as a way to fund their final goals. The Mind Flayer threat proved to be a side goal for some members, while others viewed it as the first priority.


Magical Items: Cloak of Elven Kind, Dancing Sword, Hat of Disguise, Brigid's Blessed Bow, Gun of Waterproof, Breastplate of Buoyancy, Twin Moonblades, Jak's Compass, Skeleton Key, Eye of the Beholder, Spyglass of Truesight, and a lot of other magical items. Many of these have once again been lost.   Ships: The Capricorn II, under the possession of Alexandroth Hapsburg.   Wealth: Each member gained about 100,000+ in gold from this treasure hunt, and many of them still live in wealth. Their current amount of wealth is unknown.


The Champions of Maclir started off as prisoners under the privateer George Wallingtosh, until they eventually fought to get their freedom. They would then be abducted by Captain Dana Bonebreaker, who used them to find her map in Port Royal. The party ended up fighting goblins in order to deal with it. Afterwords, they would head with Captain Dana to Hag's Rock to pick up Jak's Compass, to Boadella to get the Skeleton Key, and toward the Bay of Thieves to get the Eye of the Beholder.   Along their journey, they would uncover a Mind Flayer plot that also sought the Treasure of Ages due to it's holding of a powerful crystal. They wished to harvest it in order to power their inter-dimensional ships to bring an armada. They would manipulate a Hydra in order to attack the party, then sent Umber Hulks in the Cavern of Ages to try to murder them.   Alexandroth would also come across Bartalome el Piadoso, an enemy from his past, to which him and the party would kill. This entangled them with affairs of Maclir, the god of the sea, who wished for them to get rid of the Mind Flayers. After some delays, and after facing a deadly Dragon Turtle, the party managed to reach the Treasure of Ages and promptly killed the Elder Brain and the Mind Flayers, securing the safety of the sea and gaining tons of treasure. They also got sips from the Fountain of Youth, adding an additional 500 years to their lives.   After trading in Bartalome and Dana's soul to break Alexandroth's pact, the party split with the treasure and the Capricorn II under their command, thus sailing to the city of Allotar to contemplate what to do with their cash. Their legend was recorded by Jethro the Chronicler, a local lore bard.


After gaining their riches, the Champions of Maclir could not all stay as a group, save Alexandroth, Tursi, and Ithacus. Bogun would become a pawn shop owner while Brynn became the sole proprietor of an orphanage. Elana and Dovahkiin, meanwhile, because religious leaders in Boadella to help the city recover from the necromancer's tyranny and cleanse it.   The last split would be from Alexandroth, Ithacus, and Tursi when Alexandroth began to grow more distant while owning the Capricorn II. Ithacus decided to go on his own adventures with Jethro the Chronicler following his exploits, and Tursi went to explore the world. Thus, Alexandroth would use his funds and ship to create a small armada to start attacking the Wallingwish Islands and place it under his own control.

2A 56 - 2A 57

Adventuring Party
  • Brynn Inkheart
  • Alexandroth Hapsburg
  • Bogun
  • Ithacus
  • Tursi
  • Elana
  • Dovahkiin
  • Dana "Bonebreaker" Cortez
  • Morganine
  • Maclir

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Cover image: by Unknown


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