Session 6 - The Shadows of Castle Odo Report in Chronicles of Talamh | World Anvil
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Session 6 - The Shadows of Castle Odo

General Summary

When the party approached the third tower, they were bombarded by strange spectral eyes and warriors made of pure magic. They got into a scuffle, where the adventurers were blocked by the doorway by the guards and eyes. The party slew the magical forces, however, and climbed to the top of the third tower. They were attacked by a Mimic in the form of a Book Shelf and a Rug of Smothering, but clever use of a torch and fire from Terra and Sunjar pinning the rug allowed the adventurers to go practically unscathed from the magical guards. They then destroyed the sigil and beam emitter in that tower.   Amelie looked through the library, finding books on extra planar travel. Then, the party went through the hallways again and were stopped by some apprentice wizards and the spectral eyes. The party cut through them with ease, and one of the apprentice wizards tried to activate a Helmed Horror down the hallway, but he was stopped by Terra and Amalie's ranged attacks. In the room where the Helmed Horror was, the adventurers destroyed the final emitter, and thus the doors toward the main castle foyer was opened.   They went down to the foyer, and as soon as they opened the door, they were met by a dragon named Byldrax the Black. Org tried to convert the dragon to their side, but Byldrax was not so easily swayed. Amalie tried to fool the dragon with a fake letter from the Nightmare Tyrant, but he was also not easily fooled. Soon Byldrax grew tired of the adventurers' tricks and attacked them. A barrage of sneak attacks from Thimbleswipe, arrows from Terra, spells from Amalie, and weapon attacks from Org and Sunjar (throwing a spear) significantly wounded the dragon, but Byldrax fired back with his terrible acid breath. He spewed acid at Org and Sunjar, almost knocking both out, and he swooped toward Terra and Thimbleswipe and spewed his acid some more. Thimbleswipe was nearly killed from the attack, and Terra was knocked unconscious. Thus Sunjar hurried to the two and layed his hands on them to heal them slightly.   Org and Amalie ran toward cages near the back of the lair, strangely filled with animals. Org and his friend Lady Jeffery taunted the dragon to come to them, and Byldrax then swooped over to them. Amalie meanwhile focused on trying to undo the cages. In the midst of the fight, Org jumped onto the back of the dragon and began to try and cleave into it's wings. The dragon bit Lady Jeffery but she remained standing firm. Eventually, Org got a nice clean cut into the dragon's wing. As the dragon was distracted, however, Terra called it's attention, telling Byldrax, "stay away from my friends!" Then, she shot true, and the arrow slammed into the left eye of Byldrax, killing him instantly as it lodged into his brain.   With Byldrax slain, the party rushed toward a cage with a frog, croaking it's heart out. Terra cast Speak with Animals and then realized it was the Prince of Larian, Philippe Percival, speaking to her. She relayed the information. Philippe spoke to Terra, proclaiming that he was betrayed by Augustin Souris, who turned him and his men into animals and trapped them inside of the cages. As Philippe finished speaking, the group was suddenly engulfed in a large black energy force, and they felt the ground shake slightly underneath them. As they looked outside, they found themselves in a different world entirely.   Amalie remembered back to the Planar Travel book, and identified that the castle was, somehow, plane shifted to the Shadow Realm with them inside. Prince Philippe was angered, noting that they their rescue was probably a trap. Quickly, Amalie used a scroll of dispel she found in the pile of treasure within the castle. Philippe was turned back to his old self, and he thanked Amalie. Philippe, now being able to speak his entire tale, told the party what happened the last month:  
"Augustin is not as he seems, my dear friends. My father Gabriel trusted him, and so did Duke Motierre. However, when he first appeared in my father’s court, I sensed something wrong with him. I, after all, am a bard and as such am accustomed to the ways of magic. I started to notice Augustin was slowly using enchantment magic on my father to influence him. When I confronted him about it, he denied it. But I knew better. But just a few days before I was going to bring my father the evidence, I was suddenly assigned to lead the troops in a counter attack against Halfia. My soldiers were ambushed, and with them was Augustin, who cast this spell on me.”
  Amalie was taken aback by the news of her mentor Augustin betraying them all like that. Then, Sunjar theorized why. Sunjar proposed that, perhaps, Augustin wanted the throne of Larian for himself, for if he got rid of the prince, and the king as well, he could usurp power for himself as Arch-Magistrate. Philippe was disturbed by the theory, but agreed with it ultimately. Then Philippe cast Leomund's Tiny Hut to protect the adventurers during the night. In the morning they awoke, and Amalie freed another guard from his polymorph imprisonment (as she had learned the spell). Philippe was then told to contact Mateo, her uncle, whom he was slightly familiar with. Philippe sent a Spell of Sending to Mateo from the Shadow Realm, telling him that they were betrayed by Augustin, that Amelie was safe, and that they needed help getting out. Mateo responded promptly, telling the adventurers that 1) he was concerned for Amelie and 2) he would try to figure out a way in secret.   For now, the party would need to venture forth through the Shadow Realm to, perhaps, find a portal out of there. They ventured carefully from the transported Castle Odo. Terra led them into a dark twisted thicket where they came across a ravine. Org cut down a tree to have them venture across. However, in the distance they saw strange, cat like creatures with multiple tails. They thus ventured further lightly, not knowing what desired to attack them...
Date (in world)
September 15th-???, 4282
Report Date
20 Jul 2021

Player Characters

Org Orgenson, righteous Half-Orc Paladin of the Ancients. He seeks equality between monster and men and is willing to crusade for his cause. Though he appears to be a dumb brute, he has a heart and soul of gold, and a great sense of right.
Terra, fair and kind Wood Elf Fey Wanderer Ranger. She seeks to find her long-lost love in the lands of Larian, a knight whom she once met but knows not the name and face to.
Thimbleswipe, mischievous Fairy Psi-Blade Rogue. Long ago chased out of the fey lands, he now seeks a new life of mischief within the lands of men. But look beyond his heart of guile and greed and one will find a hero fitting of the fey.
Sunjar, proud Dwarf Paladin of Devotion. He has come from the lands of Bolderun to uncover more about the mysterious Vivian and uncover more truth about dwarf religion.
Amelie Dumas, adventure-seeking human Necromancer. Amelie has humble origins, growing up in a family of cheesemakers. However, after her uncle took her in as an apprentice, she has secretly studied the dark arts and finds thrills in adventuring in her studies.


Lady Jeffery, a white pig with brown splotches. She is Org's pet, and sponsor of the party.
Prince Philippe Percival, human Bard of the Sword. He is the heir to the throne of Larian.
Byldrax was a young black dragon hired by Augustin to keep watch over the Prince of Larian. However, he was ultimately slain by the Prince's rescuers, not ever knowing he was a pawn within the Arch-Magistrate's scheme.

Prince Philippe by Paradox Entertainment

Philippe Percival, the Crown Prince of Larian. He was temporarily turned into a frog by Augustin, but now seeks to help the adventurers out of their peril of being trapped in the Shadow Realm.

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