The Beholder's Eye Organization in Chronicles of Talamh | World Anvil
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The Beholder's Eye

The Beholder's Eye is an assassin league primarily headed in the city of the Bay of Thieves. It has been around for more than a century, under the watchful eye of it's mysterious leader named Xlolglop, a Beholder. The exact headquarters is only known to the most prolific assassins and thieves.


The All-Seer

The All-Seer is the Beholder named Xlolglop, who looks over the operations of his guild, comes up with new rules and strategies, and takes a percentage of some contracts for himself. He is to never be questioned, as many know he has a tendency to eat those who disagree with him.


Eyes are the highest ranking agents of this guild, being placed secretly in many major settlements in the Wallingwish Islands. They report directly to the All-Seer and often get some of the best contracts. They also try to look for deserters and try to take them directly to their master for punishment. (Which is, of course, being the Beholder's dinner.)   Everything else is below these agents, often just being hired assassins of different miscellaneous ranks or jobs. In truth, despite a Beholder running the organization, it's not exactly organized. Not like Xlolglop cares.

Public Agenda

The Beholder's Eye is an assassin's guild that can be hired by anyone (though they prefer wealthy people) for the sake of revenge, political assassinations, occasional thievery, or other jobs that involve killing. Their existence is well known, but considering they are constantly changing their tactics, it proves hard to stop these murderers.


When the Wallingwish Islands were first being explored in 1A 6650, a lone Beholder sought protection in a different sense: he'd make all of his minions hired assassins. Xlolglop used his influence to become valuable to the conquistadors of the empire of Lysandus, who wished to overthrow orc leaders. Ever since then, Xlolglop grew his assassin guild. One of his tactics was recruiting orphaned children and making the assassins their surrogate parents, creating the guild more like a family. Ever since then, it has survived well into the Second Age.

Life's only worth is in the Eye of the Beholder.

Founding Date
Guild, Assassins

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