The Glistening Keys Organization in Chronicles of Talamh | World Anvil
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The Glistening Keys

The Glistening Keys was a chain of islands that acted as a kingdom that resided in the northern Carallinian Islands in the year 5901. The Tallian and Lysandan Empires called it a "pirate kingdom". It was ruled by a mysterious Pirate Queen, named Marybird, who utilized a fleet to terrorize Lysandan and Tallian trade interests.


In the year 5801, the explorer William Wallingwish came across the Glistening Keys when he was trying to navigate south of Sibis. It was mostly inhabited by Lizardfolk until they were eliminated from the island. It was one of the first colonies of Lysandus, until it was destroyed by Tallians fighting over the islands. Later, both powers settled further southward into Carallinia and the Wallingwish Islands.   In 5901, a powerful naval captain calling herself Captain Marybird came onto the scene with stolen Lysandan ships. She fought against the Lysandan navy and then established her supporting privateers on the island. She proclaimed herself Queen, and has since then been in purpetual war against the Lysandan government under Lord Chancellor Pemberton.   Since her attacks, Queen Marybird has been operating in the Wallingwish Islands, hiring mercenaries and privateers to raid Wallingwish Trading Company ships, as well as Tallian vessels to gain their gold and silver. A great reward was placed on her head by the Tallian Emperor and Lord Pemberton.
The Glistening Keys in 5901, constituted of several islands in Northern Carallinia, including Slaver's Rock.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure

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Cover image: by Unknown


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