Beast Species in Chronicles of the Mytherion | World Anvil
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The largest and most broad grouping of monsters are the Beasts. These are the magical animals that exist behind the Doors and resemble many of the species found on Earth. Though the difference between the beasts behind the Doors and Earth seem to be their magical nature that changes there physiology and physical features to adapt to various environments and other creatures.    The beasts are more easily manipulated and contained when it comes to those putting out bounties for the capture of these monsters for sale, slaughter, or even research within the well known facility, Amazonas Sanctuary.   Due to the research at the Amazonas Sanctuary, there are several identifies creatures that are listed below and further information can be found in the Association's Library under the Bestiary.


The Fae Hawk, a deep red colored avian that can be located in Doors with increased vegetation and greenery. They are found hunting in flocks that surround and cut into their prey with their sharp claws and beaks. These quick creatures are hard to catch with their speed but are able to be dealt with by a large explosion easily.   Being found in a similar environment, the Redwood Wolf is a larger canine with red-brown hues that hunts in large packs tripping and dragging their prey into their groups to be killed and they do this until all the prey is collected and finished off.


Found in a different environment but similar in form, the Frost Fanged Wolf is a larger canine with white fur that blends into the snow. They hunt in smaller packs than their cousin but are much stronger and able to maneuver easily in snow storms able to follow and take down those weak enough to get lost in one.   The Snow Lion is one of the strongest creatures found behind the Doors that host an environment of frost, these large felines hunt in pair, a male and female unless they reside in a den, in that case there can be up to ten of these beasts that live in the same den. These Snow Lions hunt by digging into the snow to create traps for their prey, bursting out to pounce when one gets too close.   Found within caves of ice or near the entrance of them, Glacier Bears are powerfully built monsters that even Earth's Polar Bears are dwarfed by them. These bears hunt in large packs but are spread thin able to cover large amounts of ground to gather as much food possible. Encounter one with caution as though they are large they are quite quick and the others can quickly meet up with the one in trouble when needed.   Above these creatures there lives the Snow Owl in the trees or icy alcoves converted into nests. These beasts host the size of a horse and a wingspan accordingly. These beasts hunt alone and at night, hoping to catch their prey off guard and drag them into the skies to carry them off to their nest where they drop them to their death.


The Calydonian Boar can be found in more open spaces as its massive size would threaten to collapse small tunnels and caverns found in lower ranked Doors. This beast is prized for its four large tusks and beautiful golden hide. Though acquiring it has been fabled to need a full party of heroes to fell such a beast.   Found slinking in the shadows and following any creatures it meets with caution, picking off the ones who stray behind is the Cadmean Vixen, a fickle creature that holds to honor and picks off what he can before swiftly fleeing at the first sign of conflict. How this large fox disappears from sight is still unknown, possible a mixture of its own speed and a skill, possibly Stealth?

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