Blood Magic Spell in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Blood Magic

[ltr]Blood magic/gifts are gained from eating the heart of a blood fungus mutated creature. This will give the hunter of said creature impressive physical or blood-related powers. This is done by the blood fungus evolving aspects of a creature it effects. Any exposure to the actual fungus normally turns someone into a creature bent purely on survival. Though there are a few with a strong enough will or just the right genetics to overcome the beastial mind that is brought on by exposure and becomes what is known as a blood master.[/ltr]


[ltr]Physical mutations that enhance the users physical ability or gives them a mutation that can produce elemental effects.[/ltr]

Side/Secondary Effects

[ltr]Beastial mindset can occur with to many blood gifts are direct exposure to the fungus.[/ltr]


[ltr]Movement under the skin as the veins enlarge and mutate into root like shapes. The skin becoming discolored as it begins to take a new form.[/ltr]


[ltr]The blood fungus that grows out in the wilds of the blood lands.[/ltr]


[ltr]A great warrior who came across the first blood freak who tried to attack a town. When he killed it he was drawn by something mysterious to eat it’s heart.[/ltr]

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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