Nevarr the Forsaken Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Nevarr the Forsaken

The Forsaken One Nevarr

Nevarr the Forsaken is the name given to Nevarr after she was labled a traitor for her part in causing the shattering of Ol Raxia Valley. Having her name taken from her and her honor destroyed by the simple act of doing what she is told. Though she accepted her punishment both to pay for her sin and hope that it would help in sealing her cursed power. Sadly the banishment seal may have locked away her primal magic it had no effect on the cursed eye that had caused the shattering of Ol Raxia.  
Sin Bound, a curse given to those who dabbled with ancient relic cursed with the power of the Lazari. Power not of this world, created by beings who sought the power of gods only to create bastadized version of their power. Though every one of these relics have a hint of somthing beyond our reality. To even create such cursed power one must have glimpsed at the devine. Maybe even touched something that even had a hint of their true power. Though what could be possible if you could mold the devine into something mere mortals could use. Would you create a new god, or something far worse. -Mr. D

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nevarr's Early Life:

    She started life in a loving home of two great adventurers who sought knowledge on the secrets of the world. They wanted a great future for her and stoked a flame in her to seek knowledge and adventure. For a time she was happy as she had her parents and the organization members who served alongside them. Sadly the pursuit of knowledge has a price and when they sough to unlock the power of an artifact it when haywire and caused the Shattering of Haven. Leading to Nevarr losing her parents and one of the places she called home.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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