Ornty Ich Condition in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Ornty Ich

Ornty Ich or Broken Soul is a sickness that began to spread after the shattering. A sickness that has vary effects on the mind and body, but can draw it's connection to the cause of this condition. Exposure to rifts and the anomoliess that form from them. Not all indviduals who come in contact will be effected, but those who have a weak soul can be effected by this condition.  
Ornty Ich, broken soul a name given to those who souls couldn't handle what lies beyond. Those who see a glimpse of the beyond are driven to madness and change. Becoming something else, no longer themselves, but an empty vessel open to those on the otherside. Though all who see what lies beyond is changed. Those with a strong sense of self may be able to throw the effect off, but they aren't who they once was. No one ever remains the same when faced against adversety. - Unknown
  The first case of an Ornty Ich was from an adventurer who entered Orned Shurmed. Once part of a group that was seeking treasure they ran into an anomally that had caused problems for them. Being the only one to survive he made it to safety only to slowly grow mad from never ending nightmares. Most thoght it was truma until he began to become hostile to others and began to phsyically change.

Transmission & Vectors

Exposure to rifts or anomolies from rifts. It can also spread from those who are late staged Ornty Ich.


Those who have glimpse an aspect of the beyond, can see a part of the soul stolen. As bit by bit is unraveled as they given up to the beyond. Most aren't sure why some who glimpse the realms beyond are broken, while others continue to forge ahead. Isn't a sense of will, or is it something with their soul.
Chronic, Acquired

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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