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Plid Scrad Thrafsinch

Plid Scrad Thrafsinch (Forest of Roots) is name to a sacred forest that few even know exists. A place that has massive trees that twist and turn. That intermingle creating impassable walls of wood that no tool, fire, or magic can harm. Only through navigating through it's maze of roots can one home to truly even enter the true forest, let alone reach the heart of this sacred forest. The exiled mother is said to live here as they have made a deal with a great spirit. Though the exiled mother has never been to the heart of the forest and only lives near the edge of it in order to not get lost and to guide those who have foolishly entered.  
The Forest of Roots, I've heard tale of it from Dhaigham and even read up on it from some of his notes. Here the exiled mother, one of the only great shamans to walk the path of self exile is said to rest. When she's not doing her rounds going to diffrent sacred sites or visiting the banished beast claners, she can be found here communig with nature. Supposedly the forest was cursed by an anomoly of some kind after the first Descandant war. Maybe even some creation of the volza that may share in its curse. Why anyone would call such a maze home is hard to understand. Though I have no choice but to enter, even if i could end up lost. The exiled mother has to be the key to reclaiming what was lost.- Nevarr the Forsaken


Plid Scrad Thrafsinch is situated hilly terrain covered in large trees and roots. It has a river that travels arounf the forest and has one that flows within , but never reaches pass the edge of the forest. From outside it can be a sight to behold as you can just make out the biggest tree that makes up it's center. Inside is another story as the large roots make it seem impossible to see out side or further in. Though it does have spaces of great beauty like the one used by the exiled mother.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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