Rift Magic Spell in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Rift Magic

[ltr]Rift Magic is the ability to create and harness the power of dimensional rifts. This power allows the user to open gateways and even see into other realities. Not much is understood about this power.[/ltr]


[ltr]Rift magic punches a hole through reality to create a path between realms. It can also effect anything harnessing such gateways.[/ltr]

Side/Secondary Effects

[ltr]If the body can’t handle the power it will begin to crack from the power. The rift magic will eventually over take the user making them a walking rift that can bring uncontrollable riffs into the world.[/ltr]


[ltr]Cracks begin to form in the air.[/ltr]


[ltr]Rift energy.[/ltr]


[ltr]It was taught to the first civilization by the great traveler.[/ltr]

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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