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Sapphi is a settlment started by the owner of Sapphire Palace back in Salire. It was created as a means to expand their profits and to get from under the boot of the nobles of Salire. The Settlement set up shop in the region of Greenfields not far from the edge of the Golden Canyons region. Once fully established they set them self up as a place for pleasure and relaxation. A place where travelers can relac and have fun before continuing their journey to the west or east. While not as big as Debara it has been developing as the perfect place to celebrate and enjoy the finder things.  
Sapphi the city of Pleasure and the legacy of the Sapphire Palace. A place that was created to meet the pleasure seekers of the western lands. Here they nolonger have to follow the rules of the Nobles. Here they have gained true freedom to make money and answer to no one. Even the mercantile guild has no plans to get in their way as long as they leave their influence at the edge of their city. -Gabriel Valier


Humans are one of the main people who live here. Though a growing population of beast clanners have been growing thanks to the growing trade with the beast clans and wanting to supply them with the pleasure they seek on their long journey.


The city is ran by members of the Blue Strays and Nightwalkers who moved their operations out of Salire. With the Blue Strays acting as the law of the settlment and going out of their way to protect the workers from unruly guest. The Nightwalkers run the casino's and pleasure houses of the settlment, maing sure guest are taken care of. They work together on most buisness decesions and political dealings.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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