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The Age of Sin

The Age of Sin is a prophecy about the end of the world. It is a prophecy tied to the curse of the Lazari and those labled the sin bound. It speaks of a great war that will occur because of the sin bound that will over time bring destruction to the world. That as long as the sin bound roam free theirs a chance for this prophecy to be fufilled. Many have researche the origin of this prophecy, but most have only found that it existed before the fall of Lazari and was discovered after the fall.    
The Age of Sin if true should have began with the shattering of Haven. Meaning we are on borrwed time. No wonder the Purifers have been operating in the western lands so much lately. I've even heard the holy cathedral has doubled the guard on their little prisoner. With the cult of the fallen operating in the shadows and now another cult joining in the fun. No wonder everyone is on edge. If only their was a way to make this work in my favor. Even an age of destruction will need someone to pick up the pieces. -King Cardia


The age of sin wil begin when all those bound by sin awaken to their power. Each one will gain their curse over the years and only when the last one, the one with the unknown curse will the Age of Sin begin when the sky is broken. This will act as a symbol that would begin the age as those carrying their curse will seek the unknown one to free them and usher in a true awakening. With each preceading break in the sky bringing about another of the sin bound to begin making their moves. When all have converge a true awaken will occur and the world will be torn assunder.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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