The Black Hand Organization in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Black Hand

The black hand was once known as the Branded. A group formed to help those who have been exiled from the alliance and given the brand of banishment. It was built to give hope to the broken and to guide them in finding a new life on the edge. Though this has changed recently as new leadership has taken control of the group.   Now it has become the Black Hand. A group made to rebel against the alliance and its actions of banishment and sealing of magic. How those who are born to those who were exiled can never reclaim their blood right. This has to lead the group to pursue the dark secrets left behind by the truth seekers and using the relics of the ancients to reclaim their lost power or at least find something new.


The organization is run by a council which each operate separate operations aiming for the same goal.  Each council member has a set of commanders under them which they order around for different tasks. For big decisions or action they meat and strategize before breaking up to do their part for the cause.

Public Agenda

To take back their birthright and to bring about change to the alliance.

To Reclaim what was lost.

Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
The Branded

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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