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The Fallen Tongue

The fallen tongue or language of the dead is a language spoken by the followers of the fallen one. It is also believed to be the actual language of the dead. What is known is that the followers communicate in private this way to hide their messages from non believers. They also are able to use this language to manipulate those tainted by corruption.

I remember the first time I heard the fallen tongue. I was investigating an incident on an out of the way village that was besieged by a spirit. I was trained to fight such threats but when I ran into one of those cultists I couldn't help but to shiver in fear. When those words were spoken I felt like he was speaking to my soul. I'm not sure how I shrugged the effect off but if I didn't he would've ran me through. - Inquisitor Phoenix

Even those untainted can't help reacting to it being spoken. Even reading the language can be unnerving and risky. Even a simple written letter runs the risk of creating an incident.

It is well known that the lady of the Fallen spoke it and the andelic learned it from her. With the Andelic being made extinct it was thought the language would be as well. That was till the first cultist appeared and lead an army using that language. 

What can I say about the oldest tongue that hasn't been spoken of before. It is something truly beautiful that speaks to the soul. Why do they abhor the perfection that is within the language. I remember when I first heard the language, how it made rise from a slumber. One that I would have slept for eternity. I knew then that all must hear the language. That is my duty to the Fallen One. - Acolyte of the fallen'

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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