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The Festival of Sinners

The Festival of Sinners is a festival was once held by those of the underground who dabble in dark and forbidden things. Mostly centered around cursed relics and forbidden magics, this event is were those who walk in darkness to enjoy themselves with other tainted individuals. It is one of the few events that not even a Shadow Stalker would intervene as they find a deep connection with this event. Here the rich, the corrupt, and the tainted convene to celebrate the dark ways or the old ways. Not all here are evil simply those who dabble in what the higher ups would frown upon. Now it's a big celebration where people dawn costumes and embrace the forbidden for a little excitment in their lives.  
The Festival of Sinners is both a great party and the heart of most things wrong in the world. Here for a moment those who walk the shadows are able to hide amongst the fools who simply think they are play acting. Never knowing they are rubbing shoulders with the tainted and the corrupt. That some may even end up used in one of their dark rituals. Sadly no one can really take action here as it has spread to much and creates the perfect place for them to hide in plain sight. - Inquisitor Phoenix


The first festival of sin was held in the city of Salire. Some time after the awakening of magic in the populace. Here the those tainted can find comfort and fun amongs those like them. Over time even some members of the nobles would find their way here and even organize such events as a means to build dealings with those who walk in darkness. As it grew the festival began to be celebrated even at the Sapphire palace. Being changed from something for those in the darkness to enjoy to something even regular people can take part. While the real deal festival would take place in the dark hidden from the populace.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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