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The Followers of Eternity

The Followers of Eternity is a cult that formed sometime after the fall of haven. A cult built around understanding the realms beyond our own and the beings that may exist in those other worlds. This cult has been growing in size over the years as they have sought after the knowledge once held by the truth seekers. They have also been sending people into the shattered waste seeking some path that should lead them to haven.  
The followers of eternity is one of the new age groups seeking elightenment. A group so focused on learning the truths of what lies beyond, that they may risk dabbling into the forbidden. I haven't met one personaly, but I have been told about a few instances that paint a darker image on the followers. The kind of stuff that will freak you out. -A Reporter notes


The Prohet of Eternity:   The Patriarchs of Eternity:   The Deacons of Eternity:


Being a new religious organization they have built themselves based on other religious groups. With the goal of finding salvation in what lies beyond their reality. They are willing to do anything it takes to achive that. While they seem mostly peaceful, their are rumors of them being far more sinister than they are potrayed.

Public Agenda

They operate on the pursuit of knowledge and the secrets of the truth seekers. Primarly focused on the events of the shattering and what may have caused it. Along with anything that may further their knowledge on what lies beyond their realm.


No one knows why they were established. But many know they started showing up in the city of Debara about a year after the haven incident. They would simply try to convince people in the city to learn of their good word. Overtime they grew in number and began to operate in other towns and villages in the western lands.

To seek salvation in the beyond

Religious, Cult

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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