The Guardian of Dreams Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Guardian of Dreams

[ltr]The guardian of dreams is believed to exits at the edge of reality and creation. The Guardian's purpose is to protect the great dreamer and prevent its awakening. For if they wake we all cease to exist. Because of this she watches over it and gleams across reality to keep an eye on her brothers and sisters. She knows all there is as she is at the perfect vantage point to see the truth.[/ltr]

Divine Domains

[ltr]Dreams and Truth[/ltr]

Divine Symbols & Sigils

[ltr]A shield with an eye on it.[/ltr]

Tenets of Faith

[ltr]All dreams are sacred.[/ltr]

Divine Goals & Aspirations

[ltr]To protect the dreamer and truth of the multiverse.[/ltr]
Divine Classification
The Eternal of Dreams and the protector of the Dreamer

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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