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The Hounds of Darkness

The Hounds of Darkness is one of the first official organization formed by the Shadow Stalkers. It was formed by some shadow stalkers and those connected to them as a means to create a better situation for those doing such work. Thanks to the merchantile guild backing them they have begun to become more legitiment in their dealings. Sometimes taking work directly from the merchantile guild for a more dangerous protection duty. They have also been tasked with investigating and forms of magic corruption or any one dabbling in forbidden magic. Sometimes ending up working along side law enforcement in dealing with threats in the western lands.  
The Hounds of Darkness have quickly become the right hand of the Mercantile guild, or more specifically King Cardia. He never did fear dabbling with dangerous people. Though I can't deny they get the job done and make most people try not to dabble with things not allowed by the mercantile guild. Its thanks to them that many illegal trades of forbiden relics and small time apocalyspe cults have been delt with easily. Thanks to the hounds and the purfiers most people have no worry of dealing with the corruption that hides in the shadows. - A lone worker.


The Founder:

The Founder is the leader of the group who manages most of the mission assignments with some help from the shadows. They also deal directly with the mercantile guild in making contracts and getting funding.  

The Shadows:

Shadows mainly operate as lone wolves dealing with threats of corruption directly. They perform their own investigations that they may send to other hounds to deal with threats. When at base they form a council where they decide any major missions that are taken and if certain indivdiuals or packs should be sent to deal with it.  

Pack Leaders:

Pack Leaders lead groups of hounds in dealing with more challenging missions. They are senior houds who have prefromed many missions that proved their skill in battle. They use their combat skill to lead other hounds from the front in dealing with threats to their missions.  


  A hound is the lowest ranked member of the hounds. They are the ones doing the work or supporting the higher rank members on missions.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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