The Mother of Nature and Magic Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Mother of Nature and Magic

[ltr]The Mother of Nature and Magic is a caring eternal who loves the creatures of the world. She is capable of bringing life into the world and even imbue it with a mystical power that can protect them. She has gone out of her way to bring about harmony, though understands that some savagery is necessary for the survival of the creatures she creates. It is through her the principle of balance was created. That the world must be in balance to thrive. Anything that throws that off can lead to great disaster to the ecosystems she created.[/ltr]

Divine Domains

[ltr]Nature, life and magic. She is connected to it all as she does not hesitate to bring life and mysticism to the world.[/ltr]

Divine Symbols & Sigils

[ltr]A great Tree with crystals coming out of it.[/ltr]

Tenets of Faith

[ltr]That all things are in balance. That life is the pursuit of the living and that it comes a time where all mass die so the next generation can continue on.[/ltr]

Divine Goals & Aspirations

[ltr]To bring life and magic to all.[/ltr]
Divine Classification
Eternal being that life and nature flourishes around

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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