The Realm of Blood Geographic Location in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Realm of Blood

The realm of blood is a place ruled by blood and steel. A world that has been cursed with a terrible fungus that turns creatures and men into horrible monsters, driven by instinct. Here great hunters slay these beasts both to protect others and to feast on their hearts to gain power. This has made the world a place of constant bloodshed as everything fights for survival or power.   The realm is ruled by the queen of chaos who unleashed the fungus in the first place as a means to evolve her people into powerful warriors worthy to do battle with. Her goal to find a warrior able to best her or her enemies.


A savage land filled with growing wastelands brought about by the growth of the blood fungi and other funguses that feed on the resources of the land. Nature and the landscape are slightly twisted to be the most dangerous version imaginable. Where the most fertile lands are fought over by how few can be found across the realm.

Fauna & Flora

The Flora of the Realm of Blood:

Blood Fungus:

  Blood Fungus is one of the worst things to find in the realm of blood. This fungus has the ability to feed on the nutrients around it to create what is known as a blood fruit. Anyone who eats this fruit will begin to change and evolve. Most will become mindless beast hostile to all around. A select few can handle the change, though for how long.      

The Fauna of the Realm of Blood:



  A Vax is a docile like creature similar to a deer or horse crossed with a rhino. These creatures are herbivores that don't attack anyone. They have rough skin that makes them not the interest of many beasts except those with the strongest teeth. For the common man their hide can be useful for making armor and some may be hunted down to fill the need for protection.

Natural Resources


  Wood is a common and necessary resource in the realm of blood. Useful for building and keeping oneself warm it is important for many settlements. Though as the blood fungs drains the life of the land it is expected that their will come a time when the wood will become scarce.    
  1. Fungal Wood
  2. Iron
  3. Copper
  4. Coal
  5. Silver
  6. Gold
Dimensional plane

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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