The Shattering Physical / Metaphysical Law in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Shattering

The shattering was a great disaster that befell the Mountain City of Haven and made the Western Waste nearly impossible to venture through. While the shattering occured but a night, it's effects last to this day. creating varying anomolies that make living near the now dubbed Orned Shurmed (Shattered Waste) a risky situation.  
The shattering changed everything. Ending the age of truth where the pursuit of knowledge reigned as the many secrets lost to time were uncovered. Only to be brought low when the pursuit of knowledge reached it's apex and something was discovered that was never meant to be found. Then again fate is funny, just because it would bring disaster doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be. Either way the shattering of Haven brought about great change as half the western lands were cutoff. In capable of safe travel. With their effect slowly spreading through great roots that bind the ley lines. How long before it gets worse. If another shattering were to occur would it spell the end  or bring about a new age. For now we live in age with no real name. - Gabriel Valier
  Sadly the effects of the shattering have shown signs of spreading. Using the great web of roots that connect the zidsan trees together to slowly spread beyond Orned Shurmed. Thanks to the aid of the great spirits, Deminor Shamans, and the Presari Purifiers the spread has been minamized.


A large rift that occurs in the sky with smaller rifts occuring around the area. Each smaller rift showing places unknown to those who dare to peer through them with the large one showing a void of pure darkness.


The shattering occured over the mountain city of Haven. The Shattering creating a wall of anomolious effects that cut off the land that was known as the western waste. Leaving travel beyond risky and rare if one didn't know how to sense the anomolies.
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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