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The Sins of the Cardia Family

The Sins of the Cardia is a news story that has been spreading through the city of Debara. A story written or backed by rivals to the Cardia family influence that tries to show the crimes commited by the Cardia family over the years. King Cardia has told reporters that these are lies written by people who wish to undermine the mercantile guild, by attacking the most infleunce family that is a aprt of it. It tries to bring up crimes they had a hand in Salire, when they first came to the western lands, and supposed illegal dealings with the truth seeker organization. It also tries to tarnish Ace's image as a hero and make him seem like a ruthless gunslinger who had a hand in many of the crimes he help stopped.  
Some one would dare to make a hit piece on my family. All the work we did for Debara and all the Edge. To throw my family under the train like that in some hope for a power play. Nah, ain't allowing such thing to come to past. You go at my family you get every ounce of power and influence i have targeting you. I will find this person or grouup trying to set sights on us and I will make sure they burn for even daring to lie upon my family. We may have done a few things to survive, But no where were we the monsters depicted in these scribles of lies. Though I will not hesitate to show them how dangerous I can be when provoked. -King Cardia talking to Queen Cardia.


It was created show a possible truth on the Cardia family and their dark dealings. While it is belived to be mostly full of lies and exagerations some believe it has some truth in side of it. This has lead to some people ditrusting the mercantile guild and the Cardia Family.
Text, Newspaper

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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