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Totem Carving of the Fallen

Totem Carving of the Fallen is a ritual created to honor those who have fallen. It is belived to have started some time after the Deminor settled in the spirit Forest. Though some feel it started before that. The Totems are carved by family or friends to honor those that have passed. Many keep these totems in shrines or at their home. Some carry them close, if it was someone near and dear to their heart. If they have a shaman in their village, many will offer them up to the shaman who will house them in their hut and offer prayer for them daily. Some are even given to spirits tied to their family to watch over at their shrines. At it's core the carving of totems is more for those left alive as a means to ease their own memories of those that were lost. Some even just carve for the simple joy of creating with their hands rather than to honor those who were lost.  
I never did have a totem of my parents. I was to young to carve one when they passed. I wonder if that dishonored them in some way. I know my mother didn't have such traditions, but it would have eased my father's soul. To be honest it's not really to late to honor them. Maybe once I finish preparing for the ritual, I'll have time to carve one. Maybe Dhaigham can show me how. He does carve so many. I wonder if he is paying honor to those from his past or simply calming is own soul. - Nevarr ov Talion.


Started near the migration to the spirit forest, the Deminor started carving totems for those who past. First carved by Talion to honor those who died in battle, which was placed into the first shrine of the great spirit. Others would follow his lead and begin carving for those who would fall as time went on. While the Presari do something similar, to honor their dead, by forming gemstones of their magic.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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Aug 20, 2024 04:25 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting that some just carve because they love it and I can see how they could help others who don't have the skill.
