Guides Available in Chult | World Anvil
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Guides Available

Guides with Fort Nyanzaru


Azaka Stormfang




Faroul and Gondolo

Hew Hackinstone



River Mist and Flask of Wine


What You Know:

Azaka Stormfang
  • Wants to go to Firefinger for a mask
  • Hates Pterafolk
  • Knows of other locations to take you but she really wants that mask
  • She gives (what she doesn't owe to Jobal) to charity
  • Every guide has to give to Jobal, she is not indebt to him. It's just part of being a permitted guide
Faroul and Gondolo
  • Big talkers
  • Willing to waive their fee for a slice of the action
  • Have a triceratops
Hew Hackinstone
  • Great memory
  • Missing an arm
  • Has a grudge on a red dragon
  • Dragon killed some of his clan (not people he was guiding)
  • Will waive his fee if you help him get something back from some fire newts
River Mist and Flask of Wine
  • Have been on several guide tours. 
  • Don't seem to have a side quest
  • Will only charge 4 gold a day/ 0 if they get a share
  • Very Experienced
  • Talked some serious trash about the other guides

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