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Sarah Tops

Sarah Tops

Mental characteristics

Personal history

1484 DR, 15th of Eleasis Todays my 18th birthday! that unfortunately means, since I have no brothers, I am now the new owner of the Tavern. Really wish it couldve been someone else. I hate the tavern life. too many simple folk, not enough books. Father doesnt want me to inhert it, says I spend too much time thinking and wondering aroudn the woods instead of keeping the palce in order. I agree. I dont want this. But considering there isnt another child. I guess Im stuck with it. 1486 DR, 15th of Uktar I was out in the woods today, despite my father's constant wishes to stay in town. What can I say, I love the smell of the old trees, the way the nature feels. A couple weeks ago, I could've sworn I saw a tree move! I couldn't let that go, I had to investigate. While I was out, I came across a clearing in the woods, oddly circular in shape. But the strangest thing was the peculiar inky stone in the middle of the circle. something felt like it was calling to me, begging me to retrieve it. So, as any intrepid investigator. I picked it up and brought it home to investigate it, who knows, it might be worth a fortune! 1486 DR, 30th Uktar Woke up to a loud crashing sound. ran outside to investigate. Harpys feathers! the town was ablaze. a second sooner and I would've been trapped inside the tavern. I looked skyward and just saw it in the nick of time. it was big, green, tall as a mountain! I remember stories my grandmother use to say about a dragon that lived in these woods, but I always took them as stories, who wouldve thought I real dragon!   1486 DR, 14th Nightal the survivors of the attack have been busy cleaning and repairing the town. Looking for survivors, burying the dead. its. it's been a busy couple weeks. I. I found my mother in the wreckage of the inn. My father blames me for her loss. says I should never have brought that unusual stone back here. it was bad luck he says.   1487 DR, 1st Hammer A strange woman came out of the woods, saw the devasation that the dragon caused. offered to help. after a long ritual, those lost in the dragons wake were revived.   1489 DR, 15th Marpenoth my mother is getting ill. so are everyone else in the village the druid had ressurected. When we asked him, he said that it was a death-curse, and that I would need to travel south to find the cause. I just hope I can find it before its too late.


Family Ties

Father is Timothy Tops, Mother is Susan Tops. Family ties to the Tops, the family thats ran the local tavern for seventeen generations.


Has a "glitch" where she occasionally twitches uncontrolably.

Wealth & Financial state

Moderalty wealthy, As the family has ran the same buisness for over 300 years. but due to the geopolitical climate and area of the region, not a lot of wealthy patrons.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
15 Eleasis 1426 DR
Westbridge, south of Kryptgarden
Current Residence
Happy halfling inn.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 6inches

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