Dung Rung Lung Settlement in Chult | World Anvil
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Dung Rung Lung

The Grung Village at the centre of chult surrounded by undead
  Cultivated wall of plants and foliage, behind the wall is a large structure or idol standing out above. Mud, stone, straw. It used tobe something else but now resembles a giant grinning grung. It would seem that they have created a statue of Nanganang over the temple of Shgambi
  the Statue is surrounded by a formal hedge
  The water within the grung village is filled with posion, from their skin Within the village is the temple, behind which is a type of prison. Made from vines and bamboo. A 15ft cage, then down 30ft below which is clearly prison cells. 7 cells in total, 4 on the left and 3 on the right with a cut out section where guards are situated. There are three grungs guarding, 2 x green and 1 x pinky red. Smaller cells down below.
  The inside of the shrine is a large open void; it is one large hollow room just inside the entrance is a clear pool of water (2-5ft deep) phophorescent fungi illuminate the pool of water in blues and greens. At the back of the shrine is a elevated basin, within which is King Groak he wears a giant headress (4x taller than the other grung)
  Reinforced door with a large central lock for down below.


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