Gnomish Conflagration Baton Item in Chult | World Anvil
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Gnomish Conflagration Baton

This baton is approximately one foot in length, made of a dark burnished metal it with a 2-3 inch diameter along its length. Towarards on end of the baton is a well crafted loop of the same metal, with smooth grooves worked into the metal the shape designed to act as a grip with the loop fitting snuggly around the users thumb. Set into the metal, nestled where the users thumb will sit are two rubies etched with the gnomish runes for "Fernia" and "Release". Experimenting reveals the Fernia gemstone can be pressed to two distinct points depending on the amount of pressure applied.
  The far end of the baton is closed by a highly intricately designed metal iris, pressing the fernia fune causes this iris to rotate open, with a trio of pincers extending from within. As the gem is held an orb of force grows between the pincers, growing and filling with swirling flames. If the fernia rune is pressed further, the orb swells to a greater side the flames within growing more violent and thicker.
  The Release ruby flares into brightness as the light within the fernia gem diminishes.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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