Nanny Pu'pu Character in Chult | World Anvil
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Nanny Pu'pu

A hag living in the ruins of Mbala, she has control of a flesh golem which she uses to defend herself and her home. She hasdark skin, wearing a turban, her eyes are milky with cataracts. The dark face, which is haireless has been painted in a yellowish clay to emphasise her bones so that her face resembles a skull. Hunched and sinnowy, with large saggy boobs and a necklace of bones, along with bracelets. She has long dirty, pointed fingernails and from watching her seemingly has poor eyesight, although this could be a ruse.    She lives within a makeshift structure consisting of animal hides and furs stretched over the ribcage of a giant reptile. It is covered in trinkets, knicknacks, totems and dream catchers. The structure itself is quite large, with several compartments and has been laid on a slightly raised stoney outcrop rather than places on earth or tundra (natural rock). Off from the platform is a garden like area, a vegtable patch with some rather unhealthy looking plants and strung up across the side of the hut are several small animals (birds, rodents, lizards).    The Guardians of the Gate learnt that she has great annimosity to the other hags within the jungle, and confirms there is a coven of three hags presumable the ones that Hezmakarl was working for.  She told that the group that although they wouldnt let her join them, they are not working alone and implied that they are working under the orders of a more powerful being.
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