Orolunga Building / Landmark in Chult | World Anvil
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An ancient ziggurat nestled deep within the jungles of chult close to Mistcliff Mountains.   Orolunga is the home of the ancient sage Saja N'baza, she resides at the top of the ziggurat and can bestow great knowledge to those who seek her out and pass the trials of orolunga.   The ziggurat stands within a peaceful jungle clearing, swaths of orange and purple lilies coat the jungle floor creating a carpet of vibrate colours. Brilliant red macaws, cackle and caw feasting upon bright green citrus fruits abundant upon the few tress which grow within the clearing.   Three tiers of stairs lead up to the summit of the ziggurat;  

The Frist Staircase

  These stairs are coated in thick twisting vines, thorns and barbs cover the pulsing vines which become denser and denser the closer the higher you look. Climbing these stairs without preparation causes the vines to constrict and lash out at the climbing dealing lacerations to the climber. With each step the amount of damage taken is doubled, increasing higher and higher until the climber succumbs to their wounds.   Perceptive individuals, or those naturally aligned to the jungles of chult, may spot a unique looking Chwinga. This particular Chwinga wears a unique looking mask, carved into the likeness of a Triceratops. They carry one of the purple and orange lilies and while holding it within their hand they climb the first stairs with ease the vines twisting away from their steps.   To traverse the first step of stairs safely, climbers must carry within their hands a purple & orange lily.  

The Second Staircase

  The second set of stairs is covered in cracks and fissures, the stone looking ancient beyond words and ready to crumble at even the lightest of touches.   Observant individuals, or those in tune with chult, might spot another unique Chwinga this one wearing a mask carved into the depiction of a chameleon. The Chwinga held a lily in one hand, and the brilliant red feather of one of the macaws in the other. With both items in hand its steps were as light as air as it made its way up the fractured steps.   Holding both a lily and a red feather allows travellers to traverse the second staircase unharmed.  

The Final Staircase

  The final set of stairs are covered in writhing snakes, constrictors and vipers shifting atop one another in veritable sea of coiled flesh. Making ones way through unharmed would be near impossible, not even counting for the potential of venomous bites. Observant individuals, or those in tune with chult, might spot a rather unique looking Chwinga wearing an intricately carved mask depicting a mongoose. The jungle spirit holds a lily and scarlet feather in one hand, while the other hand grasps one of the citreous fruits the macaws feast upon below.   Watching the Chwinga it bites down upon the fruit, juices running down its lips and chin before wafting the orchid in front of one of the snakes. Inhaling the sweet scent the snake begins to sway becoming drowy, the jungle spirit proceeds to trace the scarlet feather alone the snakes flank at which point the snake falls limp appearing lifeless expect for the lazy flickering of the its tongue. Watching in abject horror, adventurers observe as the Chwinga picks up the snake, the carved mask opening as it swallows the snake hole its body shifting and twisting as the snake is swallow as the tail slips through its lips the Chwinga now appears as one of the coiled snakes, slithering its ways up the final set of stairs with ease.   Travellers wishing the reach the top of the ziggurat must follow in the jungle spirits steps, no matter how much it might churn ones stomach.    

The Ziggurat Summit

  Atop the ziggurat is a ramshackle building, in times past this would have been a building of beauty but the flows of time and the ravages of the jungle have beaten and carved away that beauty. The building is made of stone and etched upon the walls are labyrinths of unparalleled complexity making one questions whether or not a route through the intricate paths even exists. The doorway lays open, the ripped tatted remains of some type of beaded doorway now lay on the floor scattered across the stone, the threads holding them long rotted away. Motes of dust swirl within the bare and empty room, catching the sunlight as it streams within the long rotten remains of furniture now lies like rotten dust across the floor along with mould covered remains of fabrics and carpets; once this would have been a space of near opulent beauty looking out upon the jungle.   Stepping through the threshold adventurers and knowledge seekers are transported to a place trapped in time. The walls still plastered, coloured birds flying through the space. Drapes of silks hand from ceiling to floor, while a table is laded with fresh fruits and other delicacies. But above all, dominating any attendees vision is the large curled snake, bigger than any man the face of which resembles the subtle features of an ancient woman...they have come face to face with the sage of the ages, Saja N'baza "I am Saja N'baza, What do you seek in this ancient place locked in the past? Speak only the truth, for I see your hearts"


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