Roark Character in Chult | World Anvil
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Learnt from our guide (orange; Roark):
  Orange skin grungs seem like superior guardians
  Yesne: Are all babies direct descendants of nang'a'nang (because yesne knows that is bad for genetics) "The tadpoles are not of Nang'a'Nang but of the tribe, however the sickeness appears to be common across them all" Kailyn: What form does this sickness take? "The tadopoles are just born still or seem to have "little life" in them. Some survive for a period of time, but the life seems to fade away from them" Kailyn: Is it only the tadpoles who are affected? "The sickness only affects the new borns" Kailyn: How long has the sickness affected the tadpoles? "This has been happening for about a month or so" Kailyn: How long have you lived within the maze? "Im (Roark) not sure how long we have been here, but it is several generations" Kailyn: What resides within the great statue of Nang'a'Nang? "Inside is King Groak's audience chamber and the shrine"
  Kailyn: How old are you? Roark is 32 monsoons
  Kailyn: The shrine to what "Under the order of King Groak, High Priestess Krr'ook is building a special shrine to a goddess who will save us" Kailyn: Do you remember anything of interest happening a month ago "No just the priestess and her assistants seemed to become very worried" Kailyn: Do your people believe in reincarnation? "Anything is possible if King Groak says it is" Kailyn: Who is this Goddess "I don't know. I'm not important or clever enough to know or understand the amazing mind of King Groak" Kailyn: Where do you learn your history or knowledge "If we need to know anything about our history, King Groak tells us what is was" Kailyn: What have you done with the metal man "We found the metal man when scouting. When King Groak heard, he demanded that we have it as a tribute to his power"

A guardian of the Grungs and head guard for King Groak

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