The Aldani Basin Building / Landmark in Chult | World Anvil
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The Aldani Basin

This upland basin is surrounded on all sides by high plateaus and has multiple secluded lakes where its waters gather. The central region of the basin is swampland, surrounded by thick foliage. Unhealthy fumes come from the swampy basin and is carried on the winds for miles from place. The basin is large enough to be seen with the naked eye as a gap in the jungle canopy from 20 miles away if one stood atop the Firefinger, a 300-foot tall natural rock formation.   A few miles north of the Aldani Basin, along the River Soshenstar, was the location of Camp Vengeance, a small settlement established by the Order of the Gauntlet.   The Heart of Ubato - The stone structure that hovers above the aldarni basin. Two hundred feet above the basin, the rock it does look an anatomical heart, there are two trees at the top that look like aorta, with large roots running through the stone which look like major arteries that feed the heart. Possible 100ft diameter, and about 250ft in depth.   The aldarni basin is 140 miles across, by 100 miles wide and no city has ever been that large or could possible fill it. The aldarni is a region.   The city is sunk down into the aldarni basin, there is a large waterfall (maybe??)   Mbala is nesttled atop the basin   At the top of the stairs leading to Mbala, there are carved reliefs of jungle birds and creatures cut into the stone of the crevase at the very top. These are carved alongside the steps, which have been cut into the natural stone. At the very top is a large wooden gateway now remains, the gates themselves are rotten only the metal fastenings remain. What now blocks the gateway is a pile of skulls, picked clean of all flesh. These skulls fill the gateway, to the point that individuals can't pass through without even climbing the pile of skulls or wading/pushing through them.


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