The Great Ubato Physical / Metaphysical Law in Chult | World Anvil
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The Great Ubato

Protected the land of Chult but grew angry of their wars of his people. He abandoned them, creating a spiritual blow. Came together as a people finding peace Obsessed with mazes, get his blessing if you complete one The dinosaurs of Chult are seen as Ubato's sacred children. Gained religion from the main realms. Waukeen, Gond, Timora, Often the lands are exploited. Foreign clerics are not welcome in Port Nyanzaru who speak their Gods words too energetically. Cultural Tradition – Racing Dinosaurs through the streets of Port Niazaroo. The seven chosen of Ubato were known as the Ba’Re, with one of which being Ras N'si. These were divine chosen by Ubato and known to immortals. Mezro was the seat of Ubatos power, with legends saying that while Mezro stood the chosen (the Ba’Re) would be immortal.   Ubato was an interesting god, imposing gifts and restrictions to races across his land. creating balance and protection of the natural order within the landscape.
Metaphysical, Divine


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