The Red Bazar Building / Landmark in Chult | World Anvil
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The Red Bazar

Called after the large slabs of meat from the creatures, and for the large buckets of blood given its name.   Locals come for Day to days

Known Shops


Tattoo Parlour

  Owner: Borius Marino Useful Facts: Acts as a front for the Zhentarim  

Zathem’s Salves & Ointments

Owner: Zathem   Useful Facts: ???    

Clothes shop

  Owner:Karyn Leretta  Useful Facts: ???

Glops enigmatic eclectic Emporium

  Owner: Glops   A 50ft spherical structure covered in bookcase and shelves in 360 degrees. The entrance is by rope in the middle of a small garden and sells a variety of oddities and enchanted items  

Encountered NPCs

  The Scaggily Old Dude     The Tabaxi Minz Star


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