The Yutepka Organization in Chult | World Anvil
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The Yutepka

The Triceratops society, like but separate to the Harpers. The society members are unknown in name, numbers or person but they do have some method of identification of each other (try and figure this out).   They are dedicated to stopping any individual or group from upsetting the balance, they are predominantly chultans of neutral good. They were instrumental in the release of Nianzaroo from armn and in the instigation of the Merchant Princes. They fight against other groups from trying to upset the balance. They are kind of against any type of foreign power, they don’t like the idea of being taken advantage of or the idea of becoming under the thumb of another group and have a particular dislike of pirates   If you step out of the line they would let you know about. They give out Iron Tokens, coin with a Triceratops on it. Left for individuals, to warn them to stop their actions.Iron Tokens are given anonymously, with no explanation. It is down to the individual to figure out what the issue is There can sometime be some confusion, as sometimes they don’t know what they have done wrong ..yet a token has been given out.  

Identification of Members

  They seem to identify themselves through some sort of Hand gesture, and movement of their fingers through the gesture (no exact details though). Seeing a slight gesture, I now know that it is a single symbol/gesture not multiple/movement.  

Suspected Members


Known Members

  • test


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