Totem of the Aarkocra in Chult | World Anvil
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Totem of the Aarkocra

This totem is of unique design and incredible craftsmanship. Carved from wood, the totem depicts three Aarakocra standing in a triangle formation with backs facing eachother their wings raised high so that the wingtips touch. Slivers of rock are inlaid within the wood to create invidual feathers, while bone or ivory has been used to create the beaks and talons of each of the figures
  The totem of the Aarakocra was gifted to the natives of chult as a symbol of the great treaty signed ages ago, which stated that no being could take to the skies of chult except that Aarakocra. A select number of totems were given to the leaders of the chultan people, which when used as part of a ritual would transform those close by into Aarakocra, temporarily, bestowing upon them the ability to fly.
  The Totem of the Aarakocra carries a single charge, with the totem turning to dust upon use. When the ritual is spoken, known by any individual who identifies the item, as part of the identify or through speaking to a chultan elder, the totem casts the unique spell Blessing of the Aarakocra.


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