Zaldara Cordress - The Duchess of Rot Character in Chult | World Anvil
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Zaldara Cordress - The Duchess of Rot

Zaldara Cordress is also known as the Duchess of Rot. The ancient lich lives within in the Thornwood Forest as she has for centuries. The local lords and adventures within the region have an understanding of Zaldara. As long as she is not bothered, the lich does not leave the forest.   Zaldara's dark tower was assaulted by a group of Harpers while it is believed a small group of adventures located a secret entrance to the lower chambers of Zaldara's lower chambers. There they discovered and captured the Lich's phylactery and negotiated its return. The details of this negotiation are unknow.   Zaldara was known to have a familiar Elonast


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