Chult So many cubes
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So many cubes


After a peaceful night of sleep. The party leaves the room and goes back through the columned room. Whilst going down the corridor a slight movement into the stone plate below Elessa and the door does not shut but a portcullis closes back to the troll room. Behind, the secret doorway fully opens. The pillars of stone that were still solid melt away in the middle. On the pillar two beautiful women appear and begin to attack the party. After successfully destroying them, the party move towards the portcullis. Elessa notices that the door can’t be opened from here and that it has a locking mechanism. Bjorn grabs his crowbar and with the power of Moa (aided unknowingly by Shagambi) the portcullis is wrenched out of the floor.   The party enter the left sarcophagus in the vampire room. Kailyn (still invisible from the fight) holds his dagger up to Elessa’s neck ‘I am this close, don’t you ever push me down a hole again’. Elessa says ‘at least I don’t disappear’. With that Kailyn reappears with his dagger to his throat and puts it away. Bjorn attempts to open up the Sarcophagus. Another cube is in the hand of the body which lies in here. The party move to the opposite side sarcophagus and open it and find another cube.   Moving down they open the 3rd sarcophagus and as Bjorn opens it the party take heavy necrotic damage, however they do find another cube of letters. Onto the 4th Sarcophagus and Kailyn disables the magical trap.   The party enter the vampire room, in the first sarcophagus another cube is found. In the second, a trap is found full of negative energy. Kailyn disables the trap and the lid is removed. Another cube is found. 3rd sarcophagus, another trap, disabled by Kailyn and another cube is found. Final sarcophagus. There are no traps, however, it is badly damaged and the body is disturbed, its arms hanging limp. It appears the cube is under the shoulder blades of the vampire. Nisus, has 9 stakes it transpires. The party take a stake each. Bjorn at the head, Elessa at the feet end. With immense skill Kailyn manages to free the block under the vampire without moving it or breaking the stake. The party hastily retreats from the room and heads down the staircase – similar to a square spiral descending for quite a depth. At the bottom of the stairs we find a small foyer type of room with a single door in front of us. Along the descent we discover various bodies of a variety of nature. The air is oppressive and has a feeling of depression and negativity.   At the foot of the stairs Kailyn and Elessa check the foyer for traps. Elessa notices vertical marks along the wall, suggesting something moves up or down in the room so Kailyn begins to investigate the floor near the wall.   Whilst waiting, Nisus begins focussing on Shagambi. He suddenly feels immense pain. Yesne turns and asks him what the matter is. Nisus says ‘pain, Shagambi is in pain, I am in pain’. Bjorn places a hand on Nisus to help him. He feels the need to descend more.   Kailyn finds nothing on the floor so Elessa has a look at the door. The door is wooden and aged, Elessa says there is a peep hole in it (hard to see as it is built into a knot in the wood). The wood of the door is a thin veneer over an iron door. She also finds that the door is unlocked.   Kailyn and Elessa come over to the staircase and ask Nisus to use his magic to open the door from afar. Nisus obliges and opens the door.   The party jumps as the door slides into the wall incredibly quickly. It is dark inside so Yesne conjures a Nisus head-shaped rock, casts light on it and hands it over for him to throw inside.   Inside is just another ‘empty’ room. Nisus goes to the door and looks inside. At the far end is another, larger door. In the centre of the room is a sarcophagus on a raised dais. More dead bodies lay around the room.   Kailyn looks through the door and sees a lever, which has 3 settings. He beckons the party inside. They follow through the door. As Nisus steps over a floor a severed hand springs up and grabs him. An arm springs up at Bjorn but doesn’t manage to grip.   Battle ensues. A wizard, powerful, is in the battle. She deals a lot of damage to the party but Nisus convinces her to leave.   Kailyn and Yesne investigate the sarcophagus and find it is trapped. When successfully disarmed, Bjorn eventually comes and opens it with his crowbar.   Undead bugs emerge from the sarcophagus when it is opened. Inside is a single occupant, dressed in what would have been ornate armour and a headress. A warrior of some sort. It has loads of jaguars or snakes but they are not well made (stitched / carved). Swords look good, but on inspection they are rusty and dull and the handles are not of good quality. Bjorn removes the body from the sarcophagus and underneath is another block.   GXGBIL   Bjorn investigates the lever - top position door is open, middle door is closed and locked, bottom the ground in the foyer shoots up to the ceiling and then slowly clicks back down again.   Elessa and Nisus go towards the double doors. Elessa unlocks the door. Inside is a small room with 4 chests inside. Nisus throws rocks at the chests. Three ping off and one misses. There are two pressure plates on the doorway - Elessa marks them out for us to avoid.   Kailyn goes to the sarcophagus to investigate whether it can be moved. Yesne helps. With excellent investigative work they finally find the sarcophagus dais is actually set into the floor. They then set about looking for a button but find nothing. So Kailyn checks the lever to see if it does anything else.   Elessa opens one chest, inside are gold coins. The second chest smiles at Elessa and says it’s hungry. Bjorn brings one of the monsters which it eats whole (boa constrictor like). Bjorn decides to stroke it and gets his hand stuck to it. Elessa opens another chest and inside are silver coins. As he goes to open the final chest the alive chest tells him not to as it doesn’t want to burn. Says it is here to guard the chests…. Was placed here by Wizards. Chest says the coins are not real coins that people in the past have not been happy. Nisus picks up a gold coin seems it looks real, he puts it back but the coins appear to shift slightly. He uses his mage hand to shift the coins around. Nisus takes more coins out. Fang takes a silver coin out and puts it in the gold chest. It disappears. Nisus tries to take the coin out of the room, as he does it just vanishes.   Kailyn tries to find the trap on the final chest, the Mimic says ‘push the lock’. Kailyn disables the trap, unlocks it and opens the chest. Inside is full of platinum coins. Kailyn takes 50 gold and puts them in the platinum chest. The platinum grows but the gold doesn’t replenish. We use shovels to put the silver in the gold and the gold into the platinum until finally the silver chest is empty. On the bottom is a Shagambi face. Kailyn presses it and behind us the sarcophagus opens up and air rushes from underneath. The mimic says ‘food…freedom’ we point him in the direction of the dead elves.   We go back to the sarcophagus and see a ratchet mechanism has raised the block, it looks very solid. It is a deep staircase going downwards. There is an obvious mechanism on the stairs to lock the sarcophagus back in place. We check the mechanism works. It’s a lever with open / close / pause on it. The party climb in and set it to pause and begin to descend the stairs. It is quite a distance before we enter a small foyer area, no door just an archway with a set of double doors in front, the doors are damaged and relatively ornately carved. Damaged like an assault has taken place.   Looking through a hole in the damaged doors Kailyn sees a proper foyer style area around 3 times bigger than the current room, and also a thickly, deep red light illuminating from the next room over, where even bigger more ornate doors are damaged. Kailyn suggests we hunker down and sleep but Nisus jumps through the door. Bjorn tries to grab hold of him but has to chase him and stop him. Bjorn tackles Nisus to the ground. Inside this room is a jungle. It’s almost like the outside world has been brought inside here. Across the back is a huge mosaic - of what looks like various members of Shagambi, a warrior in the front and a huge big statue of shagambi infront of it. Across the floor is very ornate. In the floor are missing blocks. Hovering in the centre and slowly rotating is a pill shaped object, flickering and crackling a red sickly light. It is around 10ft tall by 5ft wide. A shadowy thing inside is pulsing against it.   Cubes of letters found as follows; 1. AFAXTO 2. SBPMSV 3. WTCIJJ 4. DZMKKV 5. QCWEEI 6. QYAAHX 7. MUUFHC 8. RRTLDQ 9. HAAYLO 10. POBZSS 11. GXGBIL

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