Chult Day 18 - Giants on the Beach (Jungle day 7)
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Day 18 - Giants on the Beach (Jungle day 7)


Main Events
• The Guardians of the Gate discover the Giants Ship, the Hvalspyd - "Whale Spear"
The Guardians of the Gate Find Shago • The Guardians of the Gate Make Their Plans to Free Shago

We find the coast next morning, on a cliff so can’t get down to the sea. We scan southwards and see a big ship. Start following the coast southwards. The ship is about 300/400 yards off the coastline. Looks to be around 250 foot long. Its huge. Has a smaller single mast boat tied to the back of it. At the coastline on the beach are another two smaller boats. Also a ‘hut’ type of structure near the boats on the beach made of felled trees and palm leaves. Kailyn Tharamor sees giant come on board the boat – Male, strong stature, has long white braided hair, medium length braided beard. Hair goes down his back. Armour not distinguishable. Has 2 hand axes, hooked on his back.   Giant kicks something in front of him, a person; he stumbles forward, muscular, dark skin and sleeveless top.   Another giant then emerges from the beach hut and took a beach boat towards the ship. Male, completely clean shaven and bald   Sleeveless man is lowered down to ship and starts sailing back to the beach. At the point it returns to the beach, the bald giant gets out and pulls it on the beach.   A further giant, female, two brassy coloured thick braids and wearing a helm, several spears on her back, taller than baldy   Shago is deposited on the beach. Two giants spread out and Shago starts doing exercise between the two of them. He jumps into the male giants bollocks (haha). He starts running to the trees but as we start to run towards him he is quickly caught by the female giant and taken back to the main ship. She stays on the ship. Baldy and Braidy are now on the beach.   Another 3 Frost Giants and a White Wolf emerge from the jungle – a new set of giants not seen before. Have a conversation. 3 new giants get in a beached boat and make their way back over to the ship. One boat left on beach. Baldy and Braidy still in hut, light a fire on the nearby rock and roast some meat.